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o you’ve heard of the stages of the customer journey, right? Awareness, interest and decision? Well they’re crucial to any marketing campaign and there are hundreds of strategies you can employ to help move a prospect down that path.

If you have not heard of it, SkillSets.PH has simplified these stages of customer journey into three easy-to-understand process.  On ce you know this process, you will have at least a gameplan on how to execute.

These stages are often referred to as Awareness, Evaluation, and Conversion (or Top of Funnel, Middle of Funnel and Bottom of Funnel).

The Awareness stage

The Awareness stage is the first stage of customer journey. As soon as someone knows they have a problem, they are in the process of buying. The Awareness stage is when prospects know they have a problem, but don't yet know that you exist or that you can help them solve that problem.

The Evaluation stage

The Evaluation stage is the stage where you've got a potential customer, but they're not yet convinced that you are the solution. The key to this stage is getting them to pay attention to you. If you can get your foot in the door a little bit, you can use that as leverage to get inside further. The thing about people deciding between a few choices is there is always a compelling reason not to choose any of them. You need to give them a reason why your particular product is worth choosing over all the alternatives.

Every sales journey has a last stage

Every sales journey has a last stage – The Conversion. This is the stage when your potential buyers will turn into your paying customers. Conversion is often a difficult point in the sales process. The prospect is almost ready to buy, but they still have some unanswered questions they need to resolve before making the purchase. A successful conversion is only possible if you are able to convince your prospects of the merits of your product or service, as well as addressing their specific concerns or objections.

Let SkillSets highlight your excellent work and make it into a lead-generating machine. Let's create your campaign funnel that will showcase your skills and expertise that will entice your potential clients to get in touch in three easy steps.

  1. 1. Talk to Us

  2. 2. Together, let’s strategize your campaign

  3. 3. Let’s implement it!

Contact us now and let's get started!

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