Freelance Web Designers, Developers and Others - What They Do and How to Find Them



Whether you're looking for help from a freelance web designer to create a new design for your website, or want help from a freelance web developer to build it, this guide will provide everything you need to know about working with them. In fact, what it's going to do is show you how to find freelancers in the first place and discuss all their different benefits.

Obviously in this blog, the two main categories of projects that these freelancers take on: design and development. Design involves creating graphics, logos, and layouts; while development includes coding, programming, and scripting.

Services Done by a Freelance Web Developer:

Freelance web developers are often overlooked by many businesses. They're usually self-employed, working on projects that require skills beyond those of an average employee. Freelancers typically charge less than full-time employees, which means they can take on more jobs at a higher rate of pay.

Freelance web developers seem to be everywhere these days. However, it is hard to know what they do and whether or not they are a good fit for your project. 

Converting Ideas Into Functional Applications

In a nutshell, a freelance web developer's job is to create a website by converting the client's ideas and inputs into a functional application.  

Businesses need websites to communicate with the outside world. A freelance web developer, who works independently with clients, creates and maintains websites by interpreting the client's content and goals and creating an application to showcase them on the web.

Here are some of the services that can be done by a freelance web designer:

Website Design

You'll want to make sure that the designer you will hire has some experience building sites similar to yours. This will help ensure that the finished product matches your vision.  You'll want to ask the designer questions about his/her past projects. Ask about the type of work he/she's done, how long it took him/her to complete each project, and any other details that might be helpful in determining whether he/she is right for the job.

Landing Pages

A landing page is a website designed to convert visitors into leads. It's a one-page site with a clear call to action (CTA) that directs users to another page where they can fill out forms or make purchases. Landing pages are used to test different CTAs and conversion rates.

Ecommerce Websites

If you're looking for an ecommerce website design company, there are several things you should consider before hiring one. First, you need to find out how much money you can spend on the project. You also need to determine whether you want a custom ecommerce website or a template based website. Custom websites allow you more flexibility when designing the layout and functionality of the site. However, templates are easier to use because they come with pre-designed layouts and features.

Other Projects That Freelancers Can Do

A freelancer is someone who works independently of other companies or teams, choosing instead to pick up projects on their own terms whenever they want (and sometimes when they don't). A freelancer could be anyone from an editor who works from home or a web designer who works from their own studio space during off-hours; all they need is an internet connection and an idea of what you need done—and then they'll do it!

Freelancers offer a wide variety of services, depending on their area of expertise.  Freelancers typically charge by the hour, but some may also offer project-based pricing. When working with a freelancer, it is important to be clear about what you want them to deliver and when you need it delivered. This will help to avoid any misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are happy with the work that is being done.

Social Media Management

If you're looking for a social media manager, there's no shortage of people who will tell you how much they charge. However, when it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is whether or not they deliver. So before you hire anyone, make sure they've got some real experience managing social media accounts.

Freelancers are an excellent resource for your company. Some freelancers are excellent social media managers and can help you manage the social media aspect of your business, whether you're looking for someone to fill in for a period of time or if you need someone to manage all aspects of your social media presence.

They are experts at managing social media accounts because they're able to dedicate themselves full-time to their clients' needs. They'll help you grow your following, increase engagement, and even track the results of your campaigns.


Do you need help writing content for your website or blog? A freelance writer can assist with all kinds of writing needs, including SEO copywriting and blog posts.

Freelancers are often excellent writers because they're used to writing on demand—for clients who need their work ASAP. They know how to take complex topics and make them simple, so even if you don't have time for writing workshops or training sessions (or if neither of those options are even available at all), there's still hope for making your website stand out from the crowd!

Video Editing

Video editing isn't just for TV commercials or movie trailers anymore—it can be used for social media videos and even product demonstrations! A freelance video editor will take your raw footage and turn it into something amazing.

If you're thinking about hiring a freelancer for video editing, it's important to know exactly what kind of work they do. They may specialize in certain kinds of videos or types of editing software. A good freelancer should be able to show you examples of their work so that you can get a sense of what they're capable of doing with your project.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is not just limited to logos and brochures—it includes everything from social media graphics to product packaging and promotional materials. A freelancer can help you with all of it!

If you're looking to get more out of your graphic design team, freelancers can be a valuable asset. Freelancers are self-employed, so they have no office environment or overhead costs associated with their work. This means that they can offer more affordable services than full-time employees, making them a great option for small businesses who need help but don't have the budget for an entire team of designers.

Freelancers are also versatile: they can work on websites, logos, brochures and flyers—just about anything that requires a graphic designer! If you're looking for someone who can handle all aspects of your design needs without having to hire multiple people (and pay them separately), freelancers may be perfect for you.


If you're looking for someone to handle your books, a freelancer may be the right choice. They can also be a great resource if you need help with marketing or other business-related tasks.

Freelancers can help you with everything from tax preparation and bookkeeping to accounting and auditing. They'll know how to keep track of your finances, so you can focus on what matters most: running your business!

In Summary

Freelancers are a great resource for almost anything, and they're always online. If you've got a project that needs doing, there's no need to go looking far and wide for the right person—you can find them on your favorite platform.

These days, you can do just about anything online. You can find a freelance writer to build your business's website or an artist who will help you with your first book. No matter what your needs are, there are tons of talented freelancers available to help.

They usually frequent Upwork, and in social media groups.  The rate depends on the type of task you will ask them to do.  Regardless of post, we would highly encourage giving them an hourly rate of not less than $5 US dollars.  Try them out, they'll be waiting.

Are you looking for freelancers who will do work for you on your digital marketing? SkillsetsPH can help you with your business' digital marketing assets such as funnels, logos, graphic designs and landing pages. Contact us now to learn more!

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