Five Things You Should Know (and Have) For Your Landing Page



y definition, a landing page is a web page created for the specific purpose of directing a visitor to take action. Whether it is to fill out a form, download a file or to buy a product, having an effective landing page greatly increases your chances of converting your readers into customers.

Here are five tips in having a great landing page that you should know (and have) in your landing page.

Have a Clean and Organized Design

One of the most important things to have on a landing page is an organized design. It’s very important that your landing page layout is clean so users can read your key points and focus on what you want them to notice. Keep the design of your page simple and direct people to take action with CTA buttons that are large and prominently placed.

The Simpler, the Better

Minimalism isn’t what you think it is. Most people think of clean, open space when they hear the word “minimalist”, but that’s not what it means in relation to your landing page. You want the opposite of an empty box – you want to be bold and let your landing page speak for itself so that visitors don’t have to read a lot.

Broadcast Your Offer Value. Use Headers!

For many online marketers, the landing page is where the sales team earns its keep. Without successful landing pages, profits will never flow to your bottom line. So why do so many businesses fail with landing pages? It’s often because they’re missing some vital information. It’s simple: If you don’t tell people your reasons for wanting their business and you don’t broadcast what you offer or share important benefits, they probably won’t take the time to read your site any further.

Landing page offers are one of the most important factors in winning over customers. A good landing page should have a strong offer and be able to explain why the offer is valuable in clear and concise terms. It’s also important that the landing page does not discourage potential customers from converting.

Keep Your Forms Short

Sign up forms can be a pain, especially for mobile users. Nobody wants to have to type out their email address, company name and full name just to use your service. To stop this from happening, there are ways you can optimize landing pages to not only improve conversions, but keep people happy by keeping your forms short. The more information asked, the more the lead flow decreases.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

Who doesn’t have a landing page? Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, having a landing page can benefit your business. But are you using your landing page to its full potential? Are you making your landing page mobile-friendly? Not having a mobile-friendly landing page means losing traffic and sales. A good landing page is mobile-friendly, persuasive, and enticing. It will guide your visitors to take action on your call to action with ease. If you fail to meet this criterion, you may lose important traffic and revenue.

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