7 Effective Ways to Sell Today and Tomorrow

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1. Change Your Mindset

Do not treat people as one of your statistics - that you want to close a sale on that person immediately.  Your mindset is to help the customer and serve them with what they really need.

2. Listen to Your Customers

Understand what your customers are looking for.  That you realize their challenge and that you are here to assist them and provide them with what they need in your reasonable power as a sales person or service provider.

3. Understand Their "Why"

Why do people buy musical instruments?  Because they want to learn how to use it or they want to use it for a gig or they are buying it as a gift.  There can be many other reasons.  Knowing the reason behind can help you frame how you can help decide and advise on what to purchase.

4. Make a Connection

When you understand their "why", you'll have more chance to connect to them.  In a face to face situation, you can also share a personal story (if possible) that relates to them and tell them how you can assist them and help them decide.

5. Recommend a Solution that Fits

Knowing the needs and reasons of a customer provides us the "power" to suggest what is best for them.  Give the best option, if not possible, provide alternative options.  Make them feel your genuine concern and willingness to help them.  Even if you are not able to sell to this customer, he will remember you and may even give you referrals in the future.

6. Go Above and Beyond

Providing the product and/or service is not enough.   It's not going above and beyond.  They paid for it.  Doing the extra mile for your customer is something that sticks to them.  It is something that they will remember and the thing that will make them want to refer you to their peers and sometimes even provide five star reviews!  It may be a freebie, or a simple updating and checking in to some (not all).  In short make them remember you by earning their trust and loyalty. After-sales support counts.

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